Creation care course – Lausanne Global Classroom


Stewardship of God’s creation (creation care) is a clear biblical command and an integral part of what it means to follow Jesus as Lord. ‘If Jesus is Lord of all the earth, we cannot separate our relationship to Christ from how we act in relation to the earth. For to proclaim the gospel that says “Jesus is Lord” is to proclaim the gospel that includes the earth, since Christ’s Lordship is over all creation. Creation care is thus a gospel issue within the Lordship of Christ’ (The Cape Town Commitment I-7-A).

But that’s not all: God’s creation is in the midst of a crisis that is ‘pressing, urgent, and that must be resolved in our generation’ (Jamaica Call to Action). This crisis, of which climate change and massive biodiversity loss are just a part, represents an existential threat to the future of human society.

This Global Classroom helps fulfil the goal of engaging the church in various aspects of creation care, and seeks to inspire young leaders, established leaders, churches, organizations, and movements to understand the importance of creation care in all their ventures. Learn more about Lausanne Global Classroom

Session 1: An introduction to creation care

Session 2: Creation care as a gospel issue

Session 3: The biblical foundations of creation care

Session 4: The radical renewal of creation and new Earth

Session 5: Critical issues facing creation today

Session 6: Climate change and the problem of human greed

Session 7: What science and faith can teach us about creation care

Session 8: Creation care and the God of hope

Session 9: The role of the Church in creation care

Session 10: Caring for creation one church at a time

Session 11: Creation care wherever you are

Session 12: Caring for creation tomorrow starts today

Session 13: The Bible and biodiversity

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