About A Rocha

A Rocha is a global family of conservation organizations working together to live out God’s calling to care for creation ​and equip others to do likewise.

We respond to the global crisis of biodiversity loss by carrying out community-based conservation projects, through

  • ecological monitoring and research in areas of high value for wildlife;
  • practical measures for conserving and restoring habitats and their fauna and flora;
  • participation in nature conservation, through environmental education and community outreach;
  • providing a forum for understanding the relevance of the Christian faith to environmental issues.

Our name means ‘The Rock’ in Portuguese (as our first initiative was a field study centre in Portugal). We are present in more than 20 countries around the world.


What is our mission?

To live out God’s calling to care for creation and equip others to do likewise.

What is our vision?

A world where nature flourishes as people live equitably and sustainably.

A Rocha's five core commitments

In all the countries where we work, A Rocha is identified by five distinctive commitments: Christian – We follow Jesus Christ, who created the world and calls us to care for it.Conservation – We protect and restore nature and are committed to local places and people over the long term.Community – We invest in good relationships through our commitment to God, one another and the wider creation.Cultural Diversity – We celebrate the insights, perspectives and solutions offered by our diverse cultures.Collaboration – We seek to work with anyone who shares our vision.

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