Recursos sobre el cuidado
de la creación para iglesias, educadores y particulares


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Plastics Toolbox

This plastics toolbox will help you contribute to global efforts to fight plastic pollution in the oceans, as an individual, family, group or church. It brings together science, theology, education and lifestyle. You could do a Bible study, use a factsheet to learn more, talk to others, do a nurdle hunt and think about next steps for your location.

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Gardening for Pollinators

Around the world, native pollinator and domesticated honey bee populations are declining due to disease, pesticide use, habitat loss, and habitat fragmentation. Fortunately, each of us can do something to help. Wherever you live, you can give pollinators the food and shelter they need.

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A Brief Theology of Creation Care

The Bible has this to say about creation: God loves it and uses it to point to himself. He made us an inseparable part of creation but gave us a special role within it. We have abused our rule and damaged God’s creation. But in his plan of salvation, he will redeem creation along with us, and restore us to proper place within it.

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Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of creation. The Celebration begins 1 September, the Feast of Creation, and ends 4 October, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.

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Great Global Nurdle Hunt 2024

The build up to Fidra’s annual The Great Global Nurdle Hunt 2024 is well underway! We hope you will join us for the worlds biggest nurdle hunt between the 1st – 30th September. Resource packs and promotional assets available here.

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Earthkeepers Podcast

The Earthkeepers Podcast from Circlewood promotes global connection among ecological-minded people who believe that earth care is an integral part of spiritual life.

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Poetry by Anna A Friedrich

  The Rev Anna A. Friedrich is a poet, deacon, and the Arts Pastor at Church of the Cross in Boston, where she lives with her husband, two sons and  Anna is a long standing friend of A Rocha. You can find more of her writing work at

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