A Place at the Table – group discussion

Rooted in the story of the Christian environmental conservation charity, A Rocha, and the life of its late co-founder Miranda Harris, ‘A Place At The Table’ is a profound reflection on hospitality and the transformative power of community.

Miranda Harris’s tragic death in 2019 sent a shockwave across the globe to those closest to her and the many who found her approach to hospitality and community a life-long inspiration. Her daughter Jo Swinney honors her mother’s dedication to a life of community and fellowship with ‘A Place At The Table’—pairing her own words with her mother’s writings and exploring how sharing food is at the heart of a shared life.

Journey with Jo through ‘A Place At The Table’ with 6 exclusive videos and discussion questions created with The Big Church Read.

Find out more about ‘A Place at the Table’ in this short film by Beej Harris.

Plastics Toolbox

This plastics toolbox will help you contribute to global efforts to fight plastic pollution in the oceans, as an individual, family, group or church. It ...

Gardening for Pollinators

Around the world, native pollinator and domesticated honey bee populations are declining due to disease, pesticide use, habitat loss, and habitat fragmentation. Fortunately, each of ...

A Brief Theology of Creation Care

The Bible has this to say about creation: God loves it and uses it to point to himself. He made us an inseparable part of ...
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