The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of creation. The Celebration begins 1 September, the Feast of Creation, and ends 4 October, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. The 2024 theme is To Hope and Act With Creation, and the symbol is the firstfruits of hope, inspired by Romans 8:19-25.
The biblical image pictures the Earth as a Mother, groaning as in childbirth (Rom 8:22). Saint Francis of Assisi understood this when he referred to the Earth as our sister and our mother in his Canticle of Creatures. The times we live in show that we are not relating to the Earth as a gift from our Creator, but rather as a resource to be used. ‘Creation is groaning’ (Rom 8:22) because of our selfishness and our unsustainable actions that harm her. Along with our Sister, Mother Earth, creatures of all kinds, including humans, cry out because of our destructive actions causing climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, and human suffering as well as creations suffering.
We invite you to use the resources below to celebrate the Season of Creation with us.