Ngā Here: The Many Connections
A podcast and discussion guide with Waiora Te Moni and Dr Andrew Shepherd exploring Ngā Here – The Many Connections that exist between creation, the Bible and living in Aotearoa.
A podcast and discussion guide with Waiora Te Moni and Dr Andrew Shepherd exploring Ngā Here – The Many Connections that exist between creation, the Bible and living in Aotearoa.
This guided walk will give you a moment of silence, peace and wonder. Get away from it all to come to yourself, come to God and be able to marvel at what God gives and has made.
Deze wandeling je een moment van stilte, rust en verwondering geeft. Er even tussenuit om tot jezelf te komen, tot God te komen en je te kunnen verwonderen over dat wat God geeft en gemaakt heeft.
This collection of prayers, songs, laments, benedictions, and other liturgical elements is designed to help integrate the call to care for God’s creation into communal worship. Created by A Rocha USA, it provides resources that inspire congregations to reflect on environmental stewardship and respond to the biblical mandate to care for the earth, while honoring God’s gift of creation.
Wisdom Lab, an initiative from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC), helps Christians apply their faith to everyday life, particularly in work, culture, and societal engagement. In its discussion on ‘Everyday Earthkeeping’, practical and theological guidance is offered to help Christians become responsible stewards of creation, advocating for sustainability and justice.
This resource from the World Council of Churches provides guidelines for divesting from fossil fuels and investing in climate solutions to protect children’s futures and combat the climate emergency.
‘An Illustrated Guide to Agroforestry’ is a small practical manual, in 14 different languages, designed to delight and introduce agroforestry to the general public.
Recordings of A Rocha Virtual events with expert speakers from around the world talking about nature conservation, faith and more.
Pourquoi agir en faveur de la création ? Voici les bases bibliques de notre engagement chez A Rocha, qui est une association chrétienne.
Support pour une présentation courte de 10 minutes sur les bases bibliques de notre engagement chez A Rocha.
Des suggestions pratiques pour aborder la crise climatique par la prière, l’apprentissage et l’action.
This plastics toolbox will help you contribute to global efforts to fight plastic pollution in the oceans, as an individual, family, group or church. It brings together science, theology, education and lifestyle. You could do a Bible study, use a factsheet to learn more, talk to others, do a nurdle hunt and think about next steps for your location.
Around the world, native pollinator and domesticated honey bee populations are declining due to disease, pesticide use, habitat loss, and habitat fragmentation. Fortunately, each of us can do something to help. Wherever you live, you can give pollinators the food and shelter they need.
The Bible has this to say about creation: God loves it and uses it to point to himself. He made us an inseparable part of creation but gave us a special role within it. We have abused our rule and damaged God’s creation. But in his plan of salvation, he will redeem creation along with us, and restore us to proper place within it.