Plastics Toolbox


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This Plastics Toolbox will help you contribute to global efforts to fight plastic pollution in the oceans as an individual, family, group or church. It brings together science, theology, education and lifestyle with a variety of resources. You could do a Bible study, use a factsheet to learn more, talk to others, do a nurdle hunt and think about next steps for your location. Here are some resources:

Nurdle hunt and beach cleaning resources

Everything you need to search for little pieces of plastic, including a handbook, photo ID guide scientific introductions, and a collection of citizen science projects.

A downloadable beach cleanup guide to help those who want to organize their own beach or other clean up events, available in five languages:

Education resources

You now have access to downloadable factsheets in different languages, presentations, blogs, and a questionnaire you can use to ask people about microplastics and more information on plastic pollution.

A Microplastics Factsheet with all the essential information on one double-sided sheet, available in four languages:

Theology resources

Prayer for the Oceans. Select your preferred language below:

The Marine devotional is a collection of resources to help you reflect on your faith, the Bible, and the ocean. It includes an inductive Bible study, reflections, short writings, and resources for further study.


  • Plastic-free living on A Rocha Portugal’s Youtube channel – videos
  • Interacting with Christians on Microplastics Along the Mediterranean Coasts of Monaco and France presented at the International Congress on Conservation Biology – video
  • Nurdle research in Florida presented at the Micro2020 conference – video
  • A Rocha USA nurdle research in Florida – non-technical video
  • On the planet, in the ocean, in sharks as part of an OCEARCH webinar series – video
  • Why should Christians specifically care about this plastic pollution – video
  • Plastic in the Food Chain – video
  • Biblical overview of plastic pollution – video
  • Scientific overview of plastic pollution – video
  • A photo essay on plastic pollution in the Bahamas.
  • Audio presentation by Dr Robert Sluka entitled An Ocean of Hope.
  • Blog post by Rev Dr Dave Bookless Plastic Theology.
  • Blog by Dr Robert Sluka An Ocean of plastic – Hope.
  • Prayer for the Ocean (video) – Portuguese
  • Prayer for the Ocean (video) – English
  • A talk by Rev Dr Dave Bookless of A Rocha International on the theological understanding of why Christians should be involved in reducing plastic pollution.

Here are some powerful and informative videos by those outside the A Rocha family which are sure to capture people’s attention! Informative Videos (PDF)

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