An Illustrated Guide to Agroforestry

‘An Illustrated Guide to Agroforestry’ is a small practical manual designed to delight and introduce agroforestry to the general public.

The idea for this project arose from our need for simple material that could serve as a support for presenting agroforestry in a relaxed and fun way. With the help and support of many people, the manual became a reality. Now, we continue our journey, co-creating new versions for a variety of languages and starting to think about how to make the production of a second, expanded edition viable under the careful guidance of experienced agroforestry farmers.

Let’s do some agroforestry!

The authors

João Lotufo is a Brazilian permaculturist, educator, biologist, and holds a master’s degree from Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He uses Bora Permaculturar as a platform to support agroecological transition initiatives.

César Trevelin is a Brazilian biologist, illustrator and photographer. He participates in the Curare Permaculture Group, acting as an educator and developing permaculture designs.

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Please visit the original website, An illustrated guide to agroforestry to learn about any updates, make a donation, collaborate as a translator, or contact the authors.

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An Illustrated Guide to Agroforestry

'An Illustrated Guide to Agroforestry' is a small practical manual, in 14 different languages, designed to delight and introduce agroforestry to the general public.
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